About Me
Making things happen!
I'm known as a POWERFUL manifestor
and I have always believed in miracles
I don’t just mean faith-based miracles, I mean MIRACLES of all kinds, whether you are of faith or not! I believe in the power to think, believe, receive. I also believe that in order to be powerful manifestors we must be willing to stand in congruency. That means, what we think, feel, believe, expect and ultimately receive, we KNOW without doubt, if it is for our HIGHEST good and BEST SELF, it will arrive for us to receive.
Sounds simple enough, but let me tell you, if it were SIMPLE, everyone would be doing it as the saying goes.
I also believe we are ALL magnificent manifestors. We only need to realize that for ourselves, and then live like we know it to be true!

Some of our greatest experiences show up when we Trust, Believe, Let Go and understand that all things for our Highest Good and Best Selves will be Received if they are meant to be a part of our lives!
"My time in Costa Rica was perfectly manifested"
"My greatest passion has always been" helping others see themselves as greatly as I do!
I probably get more excited about the growth of my clients and the significant steps they take and achieve in their lives than they do! I get to “see them” from the outside looking in. From the moment in time when they contact me, often struggling to envision their “passion.” Or when working to move past an experience that has knocked the wind out of them – be it a breakup, a marital breakdown, a career change, or the day-to-day challenges that life presents.
I get to see them shift – in mindset, in how they talk, how they carry themselves, and in how they take affirmative action steps forward!
I often have perfect strangers striking up conversations with me in the darnedest places, too. A grocery store aisle or checkout, in a book store among towering shelves of some of my favorite things — books, or in a Pharmacy aisle! The most common thing I hear before we part ways is usually something like this, “I feel so much better having talked with you…thank you!” Often, the person has told me a great deal about a situation, an issue, a challenge they are facing…and I’ve said very little other than listening. They had the answer, the solution, the next step in them all the time…my job, if I had one, was to allow them space to talk it through.
That’s how I know as my client; you will receive the shifts and the change necessary to move you forward. I see change happening before my eyes, even with perfect strangers within a few minutes of conversation. So, imagine the transformation you can experience over an hour, a few days, or during a more intensive Coaching experience!
"The only change that doesn't occur is change that isn't made...or that we choose NOT to accept in our life."
Welcome to some of my story
On August 16, 2016, I made a decision to say YES to those things that excited me, challenged me, grew me, strengthened me, stretched me, and motivated me forward. And, boy! Has that single decision taken me places!
A decision is made
August 16, 2016

On this day I realized if I wanted to do things differently, I had to believe, think, act and do things differently. From this day I began saying YES to opportunities that met this criterion: They must stretch, strengthen, challenge, grow and expand my life, vision, purpose, and desire to live from my IKIGAI (my real passion).
Group Authoring Opportunity
September 7, 2016

A call posted on Social Media for authors for a Gratitude Journal Anthology. Published the end of December 2016, it became popular with authors and readers alike. In September 2017, I submitted a story to Chicken Soup for the Soul – Dreams and Premonitions. The story titled, A Father’s Gift from Above. March of 2018 I publish One Magnificent Yes! It shares my journey from 2016 and is a workbook for readers to experiment with their own RIGHT YES’s.
Investments seed growth, opportunities and friendships
January 7, 2017

Decisions made to invest in me include Coaching training, additional Hypnosis/NLP training, and a valuable Conversational Intelligence. I connected with other Coaches and expanded my reach with them delivering programs, webinars, and other ventures. Connections with other women fostered similar growth and great things continue to build on the horizon!
Guidance from Within is born
March 29, 2017

Stepping boldly into my experimentation, I decided to expand my borders and officially launch my Coach and Mentoring business. It’s been an incredible experience and one that I continue to embrace as the expansion it delivers to my world through the growth of my clients continues.
North Star Manifestations arrive
June 1, 2017

Travel, speaking engagements, partnerships, and collaborative efforts develop regularly, bringing me in contact with opportunities I KNOW are in alignment with who I am and who I continue to become. There is no limit or boundary to our growth except for those we set for ourselves. This timeline continues to build and I continue to invite others to join me. Now, it’s your turn!
Believe in YOU!
July 9, 2018

I continue my life’s journey saying YES to amazing things. I am pursuing a PhD. in Philosophy specializing in Transpersonal Counseling. I’m honored to be a Founding Partner with Unlimited Woman’s Alliance and much more! The story continues….
Speaking my Truth
September 14, 2018

Over 3600kms, through 2 provinces and 3 States, I traveled for a speaking engagement! Speaking has always been on my mind but when I met a Visionary named Robert it became reality. This is just one of many things that are destined to fulfill my purpose. My next “gig” is an audience in Costa Rica Oct 2018!
International Speaking & Giving Back
October 20, 2018

In October 2018 I flew, along with 13 amazing Canadian women and 4 American men, to the beautiful country of Costa Rica. There, we would experience 10 days filled with Transformational Leadership experiences, workshops, Masterminds, transformations, and the beautiful opportunity to give back to the people and children of Costa Rica! Although speaking in Costa Rica was an amazing opportunity and experience, there were so many shifts and levels of growth that each of us experienced it’s difficult to
Cinnamon Tree Press Launches!
March 22, 2019

A long-standing dream, to have my own Publishing Firm offering Authors the opportunity to do more than share their stories in a book, came to fruition when I said ‘yes’ to an opportunity with an individual named Robert Evans. Thanks to his vision and the uniqueness of a concept called Trackabooks and Trackacards, I now help Authors who want to be THOUGHT LEADERS really shine in! Welcome to publishing 21st-Century style!
August 6, 2019

August 6, 2019, was a HUGE, exciting day! I’ve always dreamed of supporting authors, and have always felt destined to create a publishing platform that delivered integrity, support, encouragement, and of course, coaching! On August 6, 2019, Carnelian Moon Publishing, Inc., was launched. It is now 3 years later, and Carnelian Moon Publishing, Inc., has grown — celebrating numerous authors, supporting them in launching their books, sharing their stories, and expressing their incredible wisdom, with the world! I continue to coach authors, while also continuing to coach the individual and brilliant person they are, as well!
December 10, 2021
We have been through a great deal the last few years — COVID-19 has changed how we live, and how we walk through the world it seems. Today, we wear masks, we make decisions about whether we will meet with others or not. We take precautions, and we choose what is and is not most important for us to take part in. We have, as a world, changed in many ways! Yet, we have, as a world, changed for the better in many ways as well. We are more discerning with our time, our efforts, and our decisions. We have discovered what it is we WILL continue within our lives, as well as what it is we will no longer tolerate or accept. Despite the challenges, we have grown! But, we have also faltered. In 2022, we each have the opportunity to make a decision that continues to support US further. Are you ready to step into 2022 with a broader, wider, more