Choose your word, change your life!

One of my Mentors chooses a word for empowerment and motivation each year. Based on his personal and professional success the practice works. Intrigued by the idea, I decided to pick my own empowering motivating word for my year ahead.

As a Hypnotherapist, I’ve watched the power to change my clients are able to achieve through the power of suggestion and the magic of words. Our unconscious is a goal-achieving machine and thrives on our desire to achieve goals and attain new heights in life. This is one reason choosing an empowering word that encompasses your primary purpose or goals is so compelling.

Just before choosing my own empowering action word I have to admit I was feeling pretty stuck. I had lost my drive and enthusiasm for life as each unchallenging, ordinary day drifted by. The moment I chose my empowering action word it was as though I’d lit the fire of excitement and anticipation within me.

The Proof is in … the proof!

For the next five months, four separate opportunities; one in the coaching field and three in the writing field showed up. As December 31 drew to a close and the New Year dawned, I knew I had opened the gateway to a new chapter in my life. I was embarking on an incredible new adventure, and I was ready to embrace the experience.

The power of a single word encourages the Universe to unlock many exciting things for us. When we make the decision to live with a chosen action word in mind, a myriad of possibilities ensues. Long buried dreams emerge. Hidden skills and abilities surface. Even challenges become the kindling for starting a burning fire of desire deep within us. Embarking on this journey doesn’t take any special skills that you already have. Anything you need along the way will always be ready to assist you when you need it. There are unknowns, but if you are open to the possibilities, you CAN change your life in ways you may never have envisioned possible.

The power of a single word encourages the Universe to unlock many exciting things for us. When we make the decision to live with a chosen action word in mind, a myriad of possibilities ensues. Long buried dreams emerge. Hidden skills and abilities surface. Even challenges become the kindling for starting a burning fire of desire deep within us.


Are you ready to embark on your own journey?

Now, I’d love to invite you to challenge yourself. Are you ready to experience the magic of your own empowering word? Are you prepared to own it? If you said YES, great, let’s get started!

Choose your single word to spearhead your transformational journey. It all begins with a goal. Not just any intention will do, though. Choose a target that elicits, no demands, a transformation that arises within you. Tackle a problem or situation you are feeling unfulfilled or unconfident about. Perhaps you find yourself pushing through the day doing little more than busy work. After a day of little productivity, you fall into bed exhausted, disappointed another day has drifted by leaving you no closer to fulfilling that goal or passion.

Uncovering your goal inspired word can be achieved in a few ways. Journaling is a beautiful way to connect with your inner wisdom. Spending a day or two, or more if you need it, journaling your inner thoughts can kickstart the process of discovering the ideal word to represent the journey you want to embark on. Asking your unconscious for guidance is another way or can be used along with journaling. In this case, you would sit for a few minutes before going to sleep and ask your unconscious to deliver your inspiring word through dreams or in the early stages of wakefulness the following morning. To increase the power of this method consider journaling for 5 to 10 minutes before speaking with your unconscious. Be sure to use empowering, positive, affirmative statements. You might be surprised with the answer you receive. It could lead you in a direction you never considered before.

Once you’ve settled on a word that feels right to you and gives you a sense of empowerment, excitement, and anticipation, you are ready to embrace your journey.

The journey isn’t without its Challenges, however

As with all things change related, there will be challenges. You will experience times of discomfort as your word encourages you to exit your comfort zone and explore experiences and opportunities that lie beyond it.

The key to breaking through the ceiling of your comfort zone is to be mindful that new experiences will create a certain level of nervous excitement and some will even induce a level of fear due to an uncertainty of the unknown. The critical thing to remember: belief in what you are accomplishing. Believe in the goal you have set and reasons you chose your inspirational action word. Remember why you decided to begin this journey and most importantly, believe in YOU!

There is one thing that can become a stumbling block if you interpret it as such. It’s called Homeostasis; the innate desire to remain the same. As humans, we are susceptible to the urge to stay unchanged. Changing means work, sometimes hard or unpleasant work that we might call pain. Many of us tend to enter a comfort zone, unpack and settle into a way of life that we rarely challenge or shake-up. But, life can get boring here in our comfort zone. There are few things to get excited about or challenged by once we’ve lived there for several years.

Homeostasis does have its redeeming qualities, one being that it is a good gauge for convincing us that growth is actually happening. When you hit the resistance of Homeostasis, keep going! When you feel like quitting. Carry on. If you think the journey is all uphill, persist. You ARE making progress whether you believe it or not. Changes that will move you out of your current comfort zone and into your next great level in life are beyond that zone and Homeostasis will adapt once you refuse to let it win.

Once you’ve settled on your inspiring action word how do you make it work for you? Simple! But before we explore that, first let me ask you, have you ever bought a new car thinking yours was pretty unique only to begin seeing identical cars on the road almost daily? That’s your Reticular Activating System at work. The RAS is a group of neurons along the stem of our brain responsible for the conscious state of wakefulness and alertness, sleep and consciousness among other things. When we notice cars like ours more frequently, for example, our Reticular Activating System is displaying a high alert state. Attention goes where thought flows.

When we choose our inspiring word we are sending a notification to our RAS that it should be on high alert and aware of any instances or in our case, opportunities that will increase the likelihood of fulfilling our objective which is to accomplish our journey and change our life with success and the help of our inspiring word.

The power of your inspiring word has a magic about it that can transform you and your life as well as converting the direction your life takes.

There is an incredible sense of accomplishment when you achieve something that you have worked toward. By choosing your inspiring word and taking action to create the change it will command, you are taking charge of your future happiness and direction. You are telling the God, Universe, Source, Spirit,  that you are ready to grow and aspire to be all that you can be. That you are prepared to take on any and every challenge. Push through every obstacle, jump through every hoop, face every fear. Taking on the problem that your inspiring word demands mean you are accepting change in all its glory and in all its potholes. You are embracing it and inviting every aspect of it to enrich and empower you on your journey. You are willing your word to not only change you from the inside out but challenge you to be every depth of the cellular being you are divined to be while on this Earth!

We are all destined for great things, but some of us allow fears and doubts to stand in our way. We are all too important to the World to be shy. We each have a role we are destined to fulfill, and while some of us jump in feet first, others are hesitant or unsure of their true worth and individual greatness.

By taking the time to reveal your inspiring word and using it to help you live with a more alert and aware presence, you will transform who you are as well as the direction you choose to take in your life. There is no downside to utilizing the magic of an inspiring word unless of course, you decide not to give yourself and the world around you the gifts that single word can bring about.

In the last 2 years plus and continuing, I’ve experienced a level of growth I never anticipated. I’ve connected with people who have changed my life and the direction in which I thought I was meant to go, and transformed everything about me into being the ME I am meant to BE.

The saying, “If I can do it so can you” could easily apply here, but the truth is, “YOU can do what YOU choose to do.”

I believe you not only CAN but will do amazing things as you explore the power behind your chosen word and take the level of action that is divined to make YOUR magic happen!